
Most states require suitability or best interest training for all annuity producers.

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Learn More About Mandatory Annuity Training


In 2010, the National Association of Insurance Commisioners introduced mandatory annuity training through the Suitability and Annuities Regulation. To date, 43 states have implemented this requirement.

In 2020, the Regulation was updated to the Best Interest standard. States are quickly implementing a 2nd training requirement for annuity producers.

Validating producer requirements with these requirements is becoming challenging very quickly. ClearCert has fully updated our suite of administrative compliance tools, dramatically easing the headache of managing this compliance challenge.

Course Completion Data

ClearCert has amassed a vast archive of course completion data reported directly by training companies across the country.

Reduce Risk

Courses are pre-certified for carrier acceptance, eliminating the confusion and the risk of accepting ineligible courses.

Instant Verification

We have automated reciprocity and deliver instant certification results for every scenario.

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